About Me

My photo
Carmel, Indiana, United States
Meredith (Saad) Loughmiller was born and raised in Columbus, Ohio. She went to Indiana University where she majored in Elementary Education and took a series of fine arts and photography courses. After graduating, Meredith taught in Chicago Public Schools for 8 years. After 9 years in the Windy City she moved to Carmel, Indiana to settle down with her young family. Following a few years as a stay-at-home mom, Meredith embarked on something for herself utilizing many skills and talents that sat dormant for too long! Lo and behold: ml photography. Although Meredith continues to enjoy staying home with her three children, ML Photography has been a successful endeavor for four years now!

Friday, January 13, 2017

Cherry Blossom Festival Silent Auction Winner

Every year my kids school has a festival put on by the PTO to raise money for the school.  Beginning a year before my daughter even went there I started donating a session to the silent auction or raffle.  Meeting new families at the school through this is always fun.  This family was the sweetest.  I worked with them over winter break and rather than groaning over working during a usually quiet time for me, I enjoyed it so much.  Lovely family that although my directions (like sit on the floor, or have your child sit on this bar stool) might have sounded strange, they went with it.  Plus, I love their smiles!
If you see a certificate for a session with ML Photography... you just might want to bid on it ;)  Money is well spent on family photos!  I've never ever regretted spending the money on a good session for my family.  I've only regretted not doing more :)

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Muscles and Munchkins

I've always kept families on my blog anonymous, but not this time!

Meet Hollie (if you haven't already) and her family.  She has really made a difference in my life over the past year and now we've become friends.  I can't really begin to express how special she is, but if you start following her, musclesandmunchkins.com (Facebook, Instagram, emails etc.), you will begin to understand why.  About a year ago, all I knew about myself was that training for half marathons kept me in shape.  I couldn't work out with body goals in mind nagging at me and driving me crazy, but when I was training, I had my mind set on doing my job to prepare for a race, and the end result paid off.  All I really did for exercise was run.  Don't get me wrong I enjoyed it thoroughly and still do, but I now know there's more out there for me both physically and mentally!

Hollie completely changed my "Fitness" way of thinking.  Not that what I was doing was bad, it was just that she opened my eyes to more.

She has made me accept my body for what it is and to love it for what it can do.  She is a firm believer in that everything is YOU vs. YOU... and that's totally how I've always worked best.  I love that phrase.  Hollie has shown me that becoming STRONG for the sake of being strong, is in itself a great reward.  She has taken the focus off what I look like, and rather even more towards what I can DO.  She has shown me the importance and benefits of strength training AND a healthy attitude about myself.

I met her when I started her workouts at Cornerstone Lutheran Church about a year ago.  Although I almost threw up twice during this first workout, I ALSO almost cried (WHILE PLANKING) as she read scripture and prayed with us.  It might sound crazy, but I think I needed that.  This spiritual aspect is typically reserved for her church workouts, but it's always there in her attitude when she's teaching.

If something isn't adding up with your day to day fitness plan, follow her... you won't be disappointed.  She doesn't sell anything and she does not work for anybody.  She is Hollie, a personal trainer who motivates, helps, doesn't judge, is very real, and will NEVER ONCE comment on how a women should look.  She will never say during her workout, "let's get those arms tank top ready".. but she will say, "You can do this, think about what your body has done in this life!" or "These are the arms that lift your children!"  After she sold me with this unique attitude, I got to know her and realized she was a really cool down to earth chick and I thought, We need to be friends... stat.  

Her kids are adorable and awesome and yes all under the age of 4!  She was pregnant when I met her, worked out until she was about to go into labor, and started back up a few weeks postpartum.  She's smart and sensible though, I promise, but yes, she's also BADASS (although she'll NEVER let on about that).  She's not competing with anyone but herself, just as she teaches us to do.  Her husband seems pretty darn awesome too.  They were perfect to photograph.  My face hurt from smiling and even laughing out loud when I went through their pictures.

Thank you for reading!  There was no way I could post her pictures without giving her a shout out!

Here are my faves!

are you laughing??

Tuesday, October 4, 2016


As I edited this family session, I kept thinking "and they shall call her Goldilocks!" in my head.  That blonde hair is well on it's way.  She is SUCH a doll.

This session was close to my heart.  I've seen my kids establish friendships in preschool and maintain those friendships as they start elementary school.  Mom here, was my best friend in PRESCHOOL.  Our moms established a bond like no other and our entire families are still close to this day.  Of course I worked in a session for her in Columbus OH!

Think about that as your drop off your kids at preschool or set up playdates with their little friends and as you socialize with the moms of your kids friends.  You never know!